Christian Jung, Jonas Jung, Jordan Jung and Justine Jung
(c) 2015
When I am alone and I am afraid
I call on You, Lord, to take all my fears away
You are in control
In the midst of the storm, You are my peace
When I'm gone and lost, You light the fires that bring me home
You are in control
You are in control, You are in control
You are in control, and we trust You, God, yeah we trust You, God
When I am weak, You are my strength
When I am in need of a faithful friend
You are always with me
You have a plan for me. You've come to set me free
You're my identity, And I trust You, God, yeah I trust You, God
Jonas, Jordan, Justine and I collaborated on co-writing and recording a new worship song together. Please feel free to listen to and/or download it for free. We hope that you enjoy it!
Original Worship Songs & Music
Psalm 33:2-3, "Praise the LORD with the harp; Make melody to Him with an instrument of ten strings. Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy."
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Jonas Releases "Every Waking Moment"
Jonas Releases "Every Waking Moment"
The need to release CDs seems so obsolete these days as most people have music readily available to download online. Jonas just released his new acoustic worship album, "Every Waking Moment" which is available to listen to and download for free at:
You can also find it this album on the right sidebar of this original worship blog as well as on our family's missions blog:
The album contains eleven original worship songs written by Jonas. He and Christian recorded the album live upstairs at Whipple Creek Church on Pro-Tools, with Jonas on lead vocals and acoustic guitar and without the aid of a click-track. Christian later overdubbed background vocals and more acoustic guitar parts. Our good friend, Jackson Jackson just finished mixing and mastering the album at his studio in Vancouver, Washington.
We have made a very limited number of "Every Waking Moment" CDs which we are giving away as free gifts to those who support us in missions as well as Christmas gifts to our family members. Technology is so great. Just as we did with the "Dzieki Ci" CD single that we released in Poland, we were able to burn our own CDs using LightScribe on our laptop. We hope you enjoy the album.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Worship Photos for 2011 from Around the World
Worship Photos for 2011 from Around the World
This past year I have been so blessed to continue to sing YHWH's praises around the world, from Asia to Latin America. Here are some photos of me leading worship in different languages and in various countries:

Leading worship in Thailand 2011
Leading worship in Japan 2011

Leading worship in Mexico 2011

Leading worship in El Salvador 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Open Arms
Jonas Jung and Levi Aljets
(c) 2011
Everyday I see the sunrise
Everyday I don't want to leave Your side
And I see the way, I would never walk away
And in You I see so much more
And I want more of You
And I want more of You
And I wanna run into Your arms again
And I see the day, we will walk Your way
And in You I've found so much more
I co-wrote this song with my best friend Levi. We were upstairs in our church's prayer room and Levi played the chord progression. We fell in love with it and the words come from our hearts, wanting a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Here Alone
Jonas Jung
(c) 2011
I'm on the shores of unfathonable grace and from this mountain
I can see Your face, there's a place where I can find You, in need
And it's right here alone, alone, I've fallen in love
With You alone, alone, You're here in this place with unending grace, right here
I'm on my knees, I'm on my face, receive Your embrace
To adore, I've come, but I'm so undone
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Perfect Love
Jonas Jung
(c) 2011
I love You, 'cause You first loved me
I thank You, 'cause You gave me a reason to receive
Your mercy is stronger than the wind
Your grace is greater than life itself
I can't stop thinking about You, I can't stop wondering how
You gave me life and all I can do is live it out for You
I love You, 'cause You gave up Your life
I thank You as a living sacrifice
I will never understand Your love, Your perfect love
I will never understand Your love, Your perfect love
I will never understand Your love, Your perfect love
Jonas Jung
(c) 2011
I love You, 'cause You first loved me
I thank You, 'cause You gave me a reason to receive
Your mercy is stronger than the wind
Your grace is greater than life itself
I can't stop thinking about You, I can't stop wondering how
You gave me life and all I can do is live it out for You
I love You, 'cause You gave up Your life
I thank You as a living sacrifice
I will never understand Your love, Your perfect love
I will never understand Your love, Your perfect love
I will never understand Your love, Your perfect love
Monday, August 1, 2011
This Hope
Jonas Jung
(c) 2011
You're the peace that calms the raging seas
You're the voice that the mountains tremble at Your name
And I will gladly see that Your name be spoken throughout the earth
And that Your promise is fulfilled that Your love would set us free
Life and peace come flowing down, Holy Spirit come, it's raining down
We were made to adore You not ignore You, we were made to live for our God
You're the love that claimed us from our sins
You're the Man who healed the sick and raised the dead
For in this hope we were saved
By Your grace we are saved
Jonas Jung
(c) 2011
You're the peace that calms the raging seas
You're the voice that the mountains tremble at Your name
And I will gladly see that Your name be spoken throughout the earth
And that Your promise is fulfilled that Your love would set us free
Life and peace come flowing down, Holy Spirit come, it's raining down
We were made to adore You not ignore You, we were made to live for our God
You're the love that claimed us from our sins
You're the Man who healed the sick and raised the dead
For in this hope we were saved
By Your grace we are saved
Friday, July 1, 2011
Burn Inside
Jonas Jung
(c) 2011
We the redeemed have found life, we the redeemed have love
Our soul is satisfied
We the redeemed are burning with fire, we the redeemed have one desire
One unified want, yeah
There is hope in Your name, let Your Spirit stir up the flame
For this world to see Your light, now the darkness needs to hide
Like the sun You burn, like the sun You burn inside of me with passion
Like the sun You burn, like the sun You burn inside of me with passion
Like the sun You burn, like the sun You burn inside of me with fire
Ignite me, consume me, revive my fire
Like the sun You burn, like the sun You burn inside of me You burn, You burn
Like the sun You burn, like the sun You burn inside of me You burn, You burn
When I wrote this song, I was the worship leader for Reveal Youth Group. I wanted to see these "redeemed" youth of Vancouver, Washington rise and burn with God's holy fire. Out of this desire in my heart, the song, "Burn Inside" was birthed.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Eveything's Gonna Be Okay
Jonas Jung
(c) 2011
Everything's gonna be okay child, everything's gonna be okay
Daddy's got you in His arms now, Daddy's got you in His arms
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Everything's gonna be alright child, everything's gonna be alright
Daddy's got it under control, your Daddy's in control of this life
When you feel like everyone's forgotten you, when you feel like no one's there
You're always on your Daddy's mind, you're always on His mind
When the storms of life rage on, and the waves are crashing down
Will you take your Daddy's hand? Will you take His hand?
Jonas Jung
(c) 2011
Everything's gonna be okay child, everything's gonna be okay
Daddy's got you in His arms now, Daddy's got you in His arms
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Everything's gonna be alright child, everything's gonna be alright
Daddy's got it under control, your Daddy's in control of this life
When you feel like everyone's forgotten you, when you feel like no one's there
You're always on your Daddy's mind, you're always on His mind
When the storms of life rage on, and the waves are crashing down
Will you take your Daddy's hand? Will you take His hand?
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Every Waking Moment
Jonas Jung
(c) 2011
God I've given up myself, all that I am
My life is in Your hands, my life is in Your hands
Lord I want to live my life, as an honor to be Your child
I'm so tired of living life like everyone else, like everyone else
Everyone waking moment I wanna spend it with You
All the time of everyday is a day to worship You
I've given up myself in everyway
Today's a new day with You
Jonas Jung
(c) 2011
God I've given up myself, all that I am
My life is in Your hands, my life is in Your hands
Lord I want to live my life, as an honor to be Your child
I'm so tired of living life like everyone else, like everyone else
Everyone waking moment I wanna spend it with You
All the time of everyday is a day to worship You
I've given up myself in everyway
Today's a new day with You
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Heaven on Earth
Jonas Jung
(c) 2011
I've found a love that's deeper than the sea, I've found a God who has the greatest love for me
It's in Your word that I find my comfort, now I know where my trust lies, in Your eyes
Greater love is only found in You, greater hope could it be so true
Heaven on Earth, I believe it
I go outside, I stare at the trees, yellows and reds, the Creator's pleased
When the day comes it will be no more, He's sitting on a white horse, ready to come down
Ready to come down
Your Love is Amazing
Jonas Jung
(c) 2011
I've never had a hope like this before, I'd never thought there'd be a savior like You
We disagreed at first, but now I realize my soul my thirst
Now I want You to come, now we need You to come
Now is the time to give up your life
Father to the fatherless like me how can it be?
Your love is amazing
I never thought a friend could live inside of me
I feel this burden taken off of me, now I'm free
Until you strange people came, I would've never known the name
That His blood would claim me
I'm giving up myself, total surrender
Breathe new life into me, breathe new life into me
Breathe new life into me, breathe new life into me
Breathe new life into me, breathe new life into me
Well, this is the first song I ever wrote that was not from my own individual perspective of who God is. I'm definitely not "fatherless" nor would I refer to "white" people as "strange" people. I wrote this song right after moving back from Mozambique so our family could be on furlough, and the poverty and need that is in Africa was still very much ringing in my ears. So this song is written from the perspective of an orphaned village child, who just met missionaries who came to the village for the first time. He doesn't know quite what to think the first time he/she sees the first white person they've ever seen. They also bring a message about this man named Jesus, which he/she isn't sure they agree about this guy. The child doesn't accept Jesus at first, then the missionaries leave. The orpahan realiazes in the end, that the strange feeling he felt inside (the Holy Spirit's comfort) was living, real and active. He/she now wants a savior who loves him as his son/daughter, and accepts Jesus as King over his heart.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Psalm 71
Jonas Jung
(c) 2010
In You oh Lord I have taken refuge, let me never be put to shame
Rescue me in your righteousness, turn Your ear to me and save me
Be my rock of refuge where I can always go
Give the command to save me oh God, for You are my rock and my fortress
You are my hope oh Sovereign Lord, my confidence since I was young
From birth I have relied on You, for you brought me forth from my mother's womb
My lips will shout with joy, when I sing my praise to You
I've been redeemed, I have been redeemed
In my own personal quiet times with the Lord I was reading out of Psalms quite a bit. For some reason this one popped out at me and I put some music to it. This one was also featured on the demo album Wholly Yours.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Almighty's Hand
Jonas Jung
(c) 2010
As I look out to creation into the African plains, I see Your beautiful mysteries
You are the Lord and we lift Your name on high
We give You praises Lord, we lift up our praises Lord
Your Spirit of Truth is our only hope
Pour down Your mercy on us loving mercy on us now
As I look upon the "smoke that thunders" does it truly flow from the palm of Your hand
Oh, the Almighty's hand
I remember when I first began to write this song. Our family was on a road trip around Southern Africa, and we had just gotten done seeing the famous Victoria Falls on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia. I was totally in awe of the raw power that came in the form of thousands of gallons of water flowing down. That day we had passed a statue of David Livingstone, a Scottish missionary to Africa in the 1800's and the first white person to discover the falls. Engraved at the bottom of the statue was a quote from his journal about when he discovered "the smoke that thunders." He said, "surely this must flow from the Almighty's Hand." I thought it was great imagery, and I was honestly in the same awe that he was in, only hundreds of years later. On our way back to the hotel we were staying the chorus just popped into my head. I finished the song at the hotel, and recorded it with Elias on the Wholly Yours demo album.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Jonas Jung
(c) 2010
When I'm weak You hold me, when I'm down on my knees You listen
When I throw myself in Your arms, when I put my trust in You, You take me
Spirit of God rescue me from this ocean of tears
Crying out to You save me from this whirlwhind of fears
Take me in Your arms, take me in Your arms again
When I stumble and fall You catch me, when I'm hungry You feed me
When I thirst you give me drink, when I fall on my face You hear my plea
This song, looking back, was written out of desperation for God to intervene in what seemed like a hopeless situation at the time. I was in a struggle between deciding to believe what one of my best friends thought was God's will and what I was hearing myself as God's will. I thought at the time of writing that fulfilling what I was hearing from God was going to cost my friendship, but God came through and "rescued me from this ocean of tears."
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Teaching on Worship at the YWAM DTS
One of the really cool things that can happen in a healthy environment on the mission field is what I would call CROSS-POLLINATION, when different missions organizations and churches can work together in unity and share resources. We have just such a relationship with the other missions agencies here in Lichinga, Mozambique. One of the organizations that we work closely with here is YWAM, or Youth With A Mission.
One of the really cool things that can happen in a healthy environment on the mission field is what I would call CROSS-POLLINATION, when different missions organizations and churches can work together in unity and share resources. We have just such a relationship with the other missions agencies here in Lichinga, Mozambique. One of the organizations that we work closely with here is YWAM, or Youth With A Mission.
Denis, the DTS, or Discipleship Training School leader with YWAM, invited me to come and teach the DTS students on the subject of worship. I was thrilled that he had asked and agreed to come and teach. Today I taught from 9:00am to 12:30pm on subjects surrounding worship such as: sitting at Jesus’ feet vs. being busy in ministry, the throne room of God, our response to the love of God, lifestyle worship and worship as a weapon. The 15 or so students were very attentive, taking notes through the whole class. Some students were moved so much that they asked if I could come back and teach more on the subject. I feel honored that my limited understanding on the subject of worship could bless them so much. It seems as though I am now in a season of teaching in Bible Schools, as I am also currently teaching through the gospel of Mark at our Great Harvest School of Ministry on the IRIS base. I am loving it. I especially love teaching students that are hungry for more of God and His Word.
Denis, the DTS, or Discipleship Training School leader with YWAM, invited me to come and teach the DTS students on the subject of worship. I was thrilled that he had asked and agreed to come and teach. Today I taught from 9:00am to 12:30pm on subjects surrounding worship such as: sitting at Jesus’ feet vs. being busy in ministry, the throne room of God, our response to the love of God, lifestyle worship and worship as a weapon. The 15 or so students were very attentive, taking notes through the whole class. Some students were moved so much that they asked if I could come back and teach more on the subject. I feel honored that my limited understanding on the subject of worship could bless them so much. It seems as though I am now in a season of teaching in Bible Schools, as I am also currently teaching through the gospel of Mark at our Great Harvest School of Ministry on the IRIS base. I am loving it. I especially love teaching students that are hungry for more of God and His Word.
Christian Jung
Sitting at Jesus’ Feet vs. Being Busy in Ministry
In the story of Mary and Martha In Luke 10:38-42 we find that Jesus commends Mary for choosing to sit at His feet, gleaning all she could from the Savior while Martha was busy serving. Jesus wasn’t saying that serving wasn’t important but that all of our serving should come as a result of being in the presence of God. We can do things FOR God or we can do things WITH God. God tells the church of Sardis in Revelation 3:1 that they have a reputation of being alive but are dead. There is the illustration of when you go to cut the head off of a chicken to kill it; when you cut the head off of the chicken, the body of the chicken continues to flap around, with a lot of movement, yet the chicken is in fact, dead. The church today needs to beware of the danger of being busy about the work of God, with a lot of movement and a lot of programs, yet being detached from the Head of the Body of Christ, who is Christ Himself. Worship is about sitting at the feet of Jesus in adoration of Him.
The Throne Room of God
Something I do a lot of times in my own personal times of worship is to read passages about the throne room of God from Revelation and imagine the throne room as I worship. In Revelation 4:3 it talks about there being a rainbow around the throne of God, as well as mentions different precious stones. What causes this rainbow? We know that rainbows are caused from pure, white light being refracted through something, let’s say a diamond or precious stone. As the pure white light shines through the diamond, it refracts a beautiful rainbow of colors. 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 says that we have this treasure in earthen vessels. I believe that each of us Christ followers can be like a diamond or precious stone in the hand of the Father, and as He shines His pure, white light into us, we refract His glory in worship through expressions of worship, each differently in the unique way in which He designed us, like different precious stones do as well. And around the throne of God, our worship is like the colors of the rainbow. It also mentions later in Revelation that there are people from every tribe, tongue and nation around the throne of God. Imagine the different colors of the rainbow as God’s pure, white light shines into every tribe, tongue and nation around the throne of God in heaven, and how each group refracts God’s glory differently in its’ own unique expressions of worship.
Our Response to the Love of God
We know that we love God because He first loved us. Worship is our response to God’s unconditional love for us. The key is to worship God, or express our love to God, in every circumstance in life. It is easy to sing songs of praise and worship to God when things are all going well in our life. But what about when things aren’t going so well? Or what about when we face difficulties? Do we respond in worship? We can take Job’s example from Job 1:20 when his response to the most difficult of situations was to worship the Lord. As we worship God in the beauty of His holiness, and in His wonderful presence, all of our difficult situations seem to fade away into the background, and even disappear. In His presence, everything changes.
Lifestyle Worship
In Romans 12:1-2 we find out that we can present ourselves to the Lord as living sacrifices unto Him, and that our lives actually are worship to God as we remain completely surrendered to Him on the altar. In the Old Testament, the Levites were given precise instructions on how to kill the animal that was to be sacrificed to God. And as the smoke of the sacrifice rose to the heavens, God was pleased by the aroma. The problem with living sacrifices is that they often want to crawl back off of the altar. Even as living sacrifices, we need to reckon ourselves as crucified with Christ and remain on the altar of God. As we do this, our lives become a sweet aroma as worship before God. We can worship God as we just live life; when we go to work, or are doing chores around the house. Worship isn’t just about singing songs to God at church. Worship is about living a life fully surrendered to God.
Worship as a WeaponWe need to understand that the Lord inhabits the praises of His people. One thing that the enemy, Satan, and the other fallen angels or demons cannot stand is the the worship of God’s people. At the sound of God’s saints worshipping the Lord, the enemy must flee. Why? Because Satan fell from heaven because He wanted to be exalted above the throne of God, in worship. When Christ-followers worship God, Satan is defeated as his desire is to receive the focus and attention. We can see evidence of the power of praise and worship in 2 Chronicles 20 where God has His people, Israel, place the worshippers on the front lines of the battle. As they played their instruments and sang songs to YHWH, their enemies were defeated without even lifting a sword. There is power in praise and worship. When we are under attack from the enemy, Satan, we should worship God as it is a key weapon in our fight against the evil one.
Sitting at Jesus’ Feet vs. Being Busy in Ministry
In the story of Mary and Martha In Luke 10:38-42 we find that Jesus commends Mary for choosing to sit at His feet, gleaning all she could from the Savior while Martha was busy serving. Jesus wasn’t saying that serving wasn’t important but that all of our serving should come as a result of being in the presence of God. We can do things FOR God or we can do things WITH God. God tells the church of Sardis in Revelation 3:1 that they have a reputation of being alive but are dead. There is the illustration of when you go to cut the head off of a chicken to kill it; when you cut the head off of the chicken, the body of the chicken continues to flap around, with a lot of movement, yet the chicken is in fact, dead. The church today needs to beware of the danger of being busy about the work of God, with a lot of movement and a lot of programs, yet being detached from the Head of the Body of Christ, who is Christ Himself. Worship is about sitting at the feet of Jesus in adoration of Him.
The Throne Room of God
Something I do a lot of times in my own personal times of worship is to read passages about the throne room of God from Revelation and imagine the throne room as I worship. In Revelation 4:3 it talks about there being a rainbow around the throne of God, as well as mentions different precious stones. What causes this rainbow? We know that rainbows are caused from pure, white light being refracted through something, let’s say a diamond or precious stone. As the pure white light shines through the diamond, it refracts a beautiful rainbow of colors. 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 says that we have this treasure in earthen vessels. I believe that each of us Christ followers can be like a diamond or precious stone in the hand of the Father, and as He shines His pure, white light into us, we refract His glory in worship through expressions of worship, each differently in the unique way in which He designed us, like different precious stones do as well. And around the throne of God, our worship is like the colors of the rainbow. It also mentions later in Revelation that there are people from every tribe, tongue and nation around the throne of God. Imagine the different colors of the rainbow as God’s pure, white light shines into every tribe, tongue and nation around the throne of God in heaven, and how each group refracts God’s glory differently in its’ own unique expressions of worship.
Our Response to the Love of God
We know that we love God because He first loved us. Worship is our response to God’s unconditional love for us. The key is to worship God, or express our love to God, in every circumstance in life. It is easy to sing songs of praise and worship to God when things are all going well in our life. But what about when things aren’t going so well? Or what about when we face difficulties? Do we respond in worship? We can take Job’s example from Job 1:20 when his response to the most difficult of situations was to worship the Lord. As we worship God in the beauty of His holiness, and in His wonderful presence, all of our difficult situations seem to fade away into the background, and even disappear. In His presence, everything changes.
Lifestyle Worship
In Romans 12:1-2 we find out that we can present ourselves to the Lord as living sacrifices unto Him, and that our lives actually are worship to God as we remain completely surrendered to Him on the altar. In the Old Testament, the Levites were given precise instructions on how to kill the animal that was to be sacrificed to God. And as the smoke of the sacrifice rose to the heavens, God was pleased by the aroma. The problem with living sacrifices is that they often want to crawl back off of the altar. Even as living sacrifices, we need to reckon ourselves as crucified with Christ and remain on the altar of God. As we do this, our lives become a sweet aroma as worship before God. We can worship God as we just live life; when we go to work, or are doing chores around the house. Worship isn’t just about singing songs to God at church. Worship is about living a life fully surrendered to God.
Worship as a WeaponWe need to understand that the Lord inhabits the praises of His people. One thing that the enemy, Satan, and the other fallen angels or demons cannot stand is the the worship of God’s people. At the sound of God’s saints worshipping the Lord, the enemy must flee. Why? Because Satan fell from heaven because He wanted to be exalted above the throne of God, in worship. When Christ-followers worship God, Satan is defeated as his desire is to receive the focus and attention. We can see evidence of the power of praise and worship in 2 Chronicles 20 where God has His people, Israel, place the worshippers on the front lines of the battle. As they played their instruments and sang songs to YHWH, their enemies were defeated without even lifting a sword. There is power in praise and worship. When we are under attack from the enemy, Satan, we should worship God as it is a key weapon in our fight against the evil one.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Making Indigenous Yao Instruments
Coke bottles. Old used guitar strings. Scraps of wood. Bottle caps. Nails. From a Western mentality, these would be things found in the green recycled bins that are in front of homes every week to be taken away. But here in Africa, these are the elements that make up indigenous instruments that are used to worship our Lord Jesus Christ. They replace things such as electric guitars, bass guitars and keyboards which are found in churches and used by worship teams across the United States and Europe.
Since we have been here in Mozambique, working among the Yao people of the Niassa province, we have been asking the Lord to release the indigenous sounds that lie dormant within the Yao believers. Since the Muslims came over 100 years ago, and the Yao people embraced Islam, it has been difficult for the Yao people, even believers, to be musical people. Often, we have seen the Yao people borrow sounds from the Chichewa, Nyanja or Makhua people after conversion, yet it seems as though their own indigenous expression of worship has somehow become lost. This is what we are praying will be drawn out of the Yao believers we are discipling.
Last Sunday during the church service, I was observing a young man, Kaisi, who is a new believer and who has just been baptized along with his wife. He was really engaged in the worship of YHWH, and was clapping in time with the songs with beautiful rhythm. It was then that the Lord spoke to me about Kaisi becoming a worship leader in the Church of Assumane. I felt as though the Lord was showing me that he would lead a group of young people from the church in making indigenous Yao instruments, and teaching them how to play them, practicing weekly for the worship time in church on Sunday mornings.
Today, we saw some history in the making. Kaisi brought a group of youth who have been involved in the church to begin making these indigenous Yao instruments. We all met in our temporary grass church building. I have seen some things that other African tribes have used across Mozambique, Malawi, Kenya and Tanzania for their worship instruments, and brought a big box full of those things, which can be found along dirt roads in any given Yao village, along with a hammer and saw, and let them at it. We talked together. I read Psalm 150 about the different instruments used to praise the Lord. Kaisi prayed. Then the fun began. These guys began to make some of the coolest indigenous instruments I have seen yet here in Africa. Then the cool thing is how they made them sound along with Yao worship songs after they had finished making them. They will now continue to look for other materials found locally to make more instruments, and will practice every week under Kaisi’s leadership. The Yao people of Niassa are finding their sound! Praise the Lord!!!
Coke bottles. Old used guitar strings. Scraps of wood. Bottle caps. Nails. From a Western mentality, these would be things found in the green recycled bins that are in front of homes every week to be taken away. But here in Africa, these are the elements that make up indigenous instruments that are used to worship our Lord Jesus Christ. They replace things such as electric guitars, bass guitars and keyboards which are found in churches and used by worship teams across the United States and Europe.
Since we have been here in Mozambique, working among the Yao people of the Niassa province, we have been asking the Lord to release the indigenous sounds that lie dormant within the Yao believers. Since the Muslims came over 100 years ago, and the Yao people embraced Islam, it has been difficult for the Yao people, even believers, to be musical people. Often, we have seen the Yao people borrow sounds from the Chichewa, Nyanja or Makhua people after conversion, yet it seems as though their own indigenous expression of worship has somehow become lost. This is what we are praying will be drawn out of the Yao believers we are discipling.
Last Sunday during the church service, I was observing a young man, Kaisi, who is a new believer and who has just been baptized along with his wife. He was really engaged in the worship of YHWH, and was clapping in time with the songs with beautiful rhythm. It was then that the Lord spoke to me about Kaisi becoming a worship leader in the Church of Assumane. I felt as though the Lord was showing me that he would lead a group of young people from the church in making indigenous Yao instruments, and teaching them how to play them, practicing weekly for the worship time in church on Sunday mornings.
Today, we saw some history in the making. Kaisi brought a group of youth who have been involved in the church to begin making these indigenous Yao instruments. We all met in our temporary grass church building. I have seen some things that other African tribes have used across Mozambique, Malawi, Kenya and Tanzania for their worship instruments, and brought a big box full of those things, which can be found along dirt roads in any given Yao village, along with a hammer and saw, and let them at it. We talked together. I read Psalm 150 about the different instruments used to praise the Lord. Kaisi prayed. Then the fun began. These guys began to make some of the coolest indigenous instruments I have seen yet here in Africa. Then the cool thing is how they made them sound along with Yao worship songs after they had finished making them. They will now continue to look for other materials found locally to make more instruments, and will practice every week under Kaisi’s leadership. The Yao people of Niassa are finding their sound! Praise the Lord!!!
Christian Jung
Monday, March 1, 2010
Let It Rain
Jonas Jung
(c) 2010
Love is pouring from Your heart, grace and mercy from Your Spirit
Let it rain down, let it rain down on me
Let it rain down, let it rain down on me
Showers of mercy, showers of grace
Love and redemption they light up my face
This song was written after our family graduated from the Iris Ministries Harvest School of Missions (HS11) and I was hungry and thirsty for the fullness of the Holy Spirit. I was ready for God to completely rain down on me.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Once More
Jonas Jung and Elias Wilcox
(c) 2009
Once more I will thank You, for giving up Your life and saving mine
Once more I will give my praise, for what You did to set us free
Your the only One I could ever know, that could save us all
Your the only One I could ever know, that could save my soul
Once more we will sing to You a song of worship to You alone
Once more we will give You praise for the blood you shed on that tree
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son to die for us
And whoever trusts in Him shall not die but have eternal life
I started writing this song while I was in Poland in 2009. I was dwelling on how much Jesus gave so that we can be set free. It came out of a place of complete awe that a God so wonderful and majestic wold give his perfect life up to save me, and the rest of the world. Then our family moved to Mozambique as missionaries in late 2009. There I met my good friend and brother in Christ Elias who helped me finish the song by adding a chorus. We recorded the song and it can be found on our demo album Wholly Yours.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
It's been a while since I have made a blog post this web-log. My family and I have been missionaries in Poland over the past nine months and are leaving from Poland to Mozambique in less than two weeks. Since we have been in Poland, we have continued to minister in the area of worship. I have been a part of the worship team at the evangelical church in Piotrków-Trybunalski, helping to develop the young people on the team in worship leadership. I haven't learned the Polish language fluently, but I was able to have one of my original songs, "Thanks To You" translated into Polish. I invested in Pro-Tools, a sweet recording program, for our lap-top computer before we left for Poland from the U.S. I was able to record each of the members of the worship team with their various instruments, and came up with a beautiful Polish version of "Thanks To You," which I have released as a CD single here in Poland. Please feel free to listen to and/or dowload this single in Polish and English on the sidebar to the right. I hope you enjoy it. I think the people here in Poland have enjoyed this song as well as others of my originals. They are even being played now on a Polish radio station!
One thing I have thought about so much these past nine months is how important it is for Christ-followers of different nations to come up with their own indigeneous expression of worship. I mean, it is nice that I could have one of my songs translated into Polish, but it is still a song from an American Christ-follower's heart being sung in a different language. So many of the worship songs we sing on Sunday mornings here in Poland are familiar worship songs that have been translated from English to Polish. I mean, they sound great, and it is cool for us to be able to know the familiar tunes and learn them in Polish. But I really believe that worship flowing from the Polish heart to the throne of God is precious. I have been encouraging believing Polish musicians and song-writers to really explore the idea of coming up with a truly Polish expression of worship. On the CD single we recorded, I am excited because two of the musicians are classically trained here in Poland, so there is a little bit of that indigenous feel to it. I want to develop this thought more, and hope to write more on this in future blog posts. In Africa, our hope will be to continue to experience new, indigenous expressions of worship, and capture them by recording new albums.
Since we have been in Poland, I have re-released my first two albums, "Make Me Clean," and "Reckless Abandon." The reason being is that I have been asked to perform these original songs at various concerts and worship events. That way they have been available for people to purchase if they liked the music. We have sold many and given many away. I was also able to sing these original songs, as well as lead worship in cities all over Poland, as well as in Germany, England and Latvia. I am including some videos below which capture glimpses of the experiences we have had worshipping our Lord cross-culturally here in Europe.
Live Concert at the Evangelical Church in Piotrków-Trybunalski, Poland
Live Concert at the Cultural Center in Piotrków-Trybunalski, Poland
Playing Bass in the Worship Team in Zakosciela, Poland
Leading Worship at a Russian Speaking Worship Event in Riga, Latvia
Leading Worship at an All-Night Worship Event in Robezkrogs, Latvia
Leading Worship at a Three Day Evangelical Outreach in Warsaw, Poland
Always By My Side
Christian Jung and Jonas Jung
(c) 2009
There is nothing I could say that would take Your love away
There is nothing I could do that would keep me from You
There is nothing in this world that could tear us apart
There is nothing more I need than You in my heart
You, You’re never gonna leave me
For now and for eternity You are always by my side
No, nothing separates me from the love that You have given me
You are always by my side, and I will love You all my life
There is one thing I can say, You are with me all the way
There is one thing I can do, it’s to give my life to You
There is one thing that I know, I was called from the start
There is one thing that I need, and it’s You in my heart
Your love it never changes, my life it rearranges
Christian Jung and Jonas Jung
(c) 2009
There is nothing I could say that would take Your love away
There is nothing I could do that would keep me from You
There is nothing in this world that could tear us apart
There is nothing more I need than You in my heart
You, You’re never gonna leave me
For now and for eternity You are always by my side
No, nothing separates me from the love that You have given me
You are always by my side, and I will love You all my life
There is one thing I can say, You are with me all the way
There is one thing I can do, it’s to give my life to You
There is one thing that I know, I was called from the start
There is one thing that I need, and it’s You in my heart
Your love it never changes, my life it rearranges
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
King of Glory
Jonas Jung and Christian Jung
(c) 2009
King of glory, Lord of heaven shine upon Your children
We will go down on our faces to worship the King
There's only one voice that could shake the heavens
There's only one man that could change the Earth forever
There will be one day, every nation will bow at the feet of Jesus
King of glory, God Almighty fall upon Your children
We will bow down on our knees to worship the King
One day every knee will bow at the sound of Your voice
One day every tongue will confess Jesus Christ is Lord
Jesus Christ is Lord
Monday, June 1, 2009
Jonas Jung
(c) 2010
He's not just a painting in a stained-glass window
He's not just a man on the wall
He's alive and He's ready to turn this world upside down
Revival, revival, revival in this city
Revival, revival, revival in this nation
Revival, revival, revival in this land
He's not just a clay figure staring back at you
He's not just a man in a book
He's alive and He's ready, to turn this nation upside down
During the time I was writing this, I was living in Mozambique, but I was reflecting back on the 9 months we spent living in Poland as missionaries. many of the Catholics in Poland are strongly religious but have no personal relationship with Jesus. I was crying out to God in this song, wanting Him to come down and save Poland from their religiosity and come into the realization that He is very much real and very much alive today.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Wholly Yours
Jonas Jung
(c) 2009
Come closer to the Father, let's come worship at His feet
Come closer to the Father, He's calling out our names
Calling us into His arms, who am I?
Wholly Yours, I am Yours to take, mold me, shape me
Wholly Yours, I am Yours to take, mend me, make me brand new again
Come closer to the Father, my Glorious living God
Come closer to the Father, His shining face upon us
He's alive, who am I?
My soul finds rest in God and God alone
Shout with joy to God, all the Earth will sing His praise
This was the first worship song that I ever wrote. I was 12, and our family was living in Poland as missionaries at the time. I don't remember what inspired me to write my first worship song, but I know it was driven out of a place of wanting to know God more intimately than before. I also remember wanting to completely surrender to His will. Out of these feelings came this song of adoration to Jesus.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Greetings Worship Team Members!
Thank you guys so much for praying for Nick. NICK: We've got you covered in prayer, brother...Hope your interview goes great! Our time of worship was sweet last Sunday. But, hey, nothing new, right? We always have awesome times of worship. Thanks again to the team that went to Church! At Bethany this last week.
I've been thinking about things these last few weeks I have with you. I know that I've been able to, at times, hand down what limited knowledge and experience I have gained in the area of leading worship over the past year. And I would like to give you all a little more, if you don't mind. I have come to learn that there is a definite difference between leading a time of singing, and engaging people through Spirit-filled, Spirit-led worship leading. In one sense, you can pick up a guitar or a microphone, recite lyrics off of a piece of paper and hope that other people follow along. I felt this way quite a bit, to be honest, when I first was thrust into being the worship leader at a small church in Hayward, California. I was 21 years old and had only been really playing guitar for 2 years. Believe me, it was a struggle to barely get through the set of worship songs, let alone to be able to get a feel for where the congregation was at. In fact, there was probably some sense of disconnect between my logical mind and with my heart, soul and spirit. My logical mind was usually consumed with things like, "I am playing the right chord," or, "Does my voice sound good or lousy," or, "Gosh-dang! That stinkin' drummer better start getting it right." The logical mind can be a real hindrance to engaging people in true worship. These are things that were, in part, due to my immaturity in leading worship. But I think that they could have also been, in part, due to my everyday worship experience or lack thereof. Believe me, when you struggle to find intimacy with God during the week, you're going to struggle with bringing others into that intimacy with God on the weekend.
Engaging people through Spirit-filled, Spirit-led worship leading is more than an art. It's a lifestyle. A good question to ask yourself, whether or not your are the worship leader or a worship team member is this: Am I leading people to the feet of Jesus through my life-style on a day to day basis? People who I have met that are some of the most anointed worshippers, worship team members and worship leaders have been those who it is refreshing to be around. Their hearts beat in unison with God's heart. They are people who have a direct line to God- not that we all don't have that access through Jesus...but with these people it is very evident. This is what we should all be striving for. I believe that Galations 5:16 refers to this as, "Walking in the Spirit," or in another version, "Living by the Spirit."
Sunday mornings, or whenever else we are involved in a congregational worship setting should simply be an overflow of this lifestyle. On a practical level, singing the songs that are on a sheet in front of you from your heart, and not just from your memory, will help you in your worship of God as a worship leader on a Sunday morning. If you, as a worship leader (by the way, all of us on the worship team are worship leaders) are connected with God as you are singing, playing, etc., I believe that the next step is that of a priest. The job of priests in the Old Testament was to take God's hand, and take the hand of the people, and join them together. Being connected to God ourselves is the first step. Understanding where the congregation is at, and knowing how best to connect them to God through leading worship can be a bit more challenging. This is where the Holy Spirit must be counted on for guidance. I believe that an acuteness to the Spirit of God in worship leading is something that can be nurtured. If your spirit is aware of what is going on in the spiritual realm, it often enables you to get a good pulse of where others are at around you. Sounds pretty "spooky spiritual," I know. But this is true. I think that asking God for this sense of things would be a profitable in this...both on Sunday mornings as well as at all times. Here are some other practical things that help with this (not logically minded...practical): Try not to be overly tied to the music in front of you (becoming more familiar with the songs and chord progressions...this will help you to look and see what is going on...although this at times can trip you up as different people worship in different ways. Don't count on this...just be free enough to be aware of your surroundings). Also, don't be so overly concerned with your voice or instrument that worship becomes more of a performance. If God wanted that He would of created clowns to put on an act instead of angels and people that worship in Spirit and in truth before His throne. A lousy, off-key voice or instrument can definitely be a hindrance in leading a congregation in worship...even a lousy sound mix can be. But again, if you are more into what is going on spiritually, rather than physically, I find that this stuff tends to fall into place. It does also take some practice. Singing and playing are gifts given by God to be developed.
You know those Sundays where it seems as though you, the rest of the worship team and the congregation were so close to the Father during the worship time that you just don't want to leave that want to hang on to that moment. That is what I'm talking about. These aren't formulas that I am giving you. Again, these are just things in my limited experience that I have been able to glean. Hope these things make sense. If not, sorry. I am also limited in my grasp of the English language in regards to spiritual things at times. I love you guys so much and it has been an honor these past years to be involved in the worship team ministry at Whipple Creek Church.
Catch up with you on Sunday.
Grace and peace,
Thank you guys so much for praying for Nick. NICK: We've got you covered in prayer, brother...Hope your interview goes great! Our time of worship was sweet last Sunday. But, hey, nothing new, right? We always have awesome times of worship. Thanks again to the team that went to Church! At Bethany this last week.
I've been thinking about things these last few weeks I have with you. I know that I've been able to, at times, hand down what limited knowledge and experience I have gained in the area of leading worship over the past year. And I would like to give you all a little more, if you don't mind. I have come to learn that there is a definite difference between leading a time of singing, and engaging people through Spirit-filled, Spirit-led worship leading. In one sense, you can pick up a guitar or a microphone, recite lyrics off of a piece of paper and hope that other people follow along. I felt this way quite a bit, to be honest, when I first was thrust into being the worship leader at a small church in Hayward, California. I was 21 years old and had only been really playing guitar for 2 years. Believe me, it was a struggle to barely get through the set of worship songs, let alone to be able to get a feel for where the congregation was at. In fact, there was probably some sense of disconnect between my logical mind and with my heart, soul and spirit. My logical mind was usually consumed with things like, "I am playing the right chord," or, "Does my voice sound good or lousy," or, "Gosh-dang! That stinkin' drummer better start getting it right." The logical mind can be a real hindrance to engaging people in true worship. These are things that were, in part, due to my immaturity in leading worship. But I think that they could have also been, in part, due to my everyday worship experience or lack thereof. Believe me, when you struggle to find intimacy with God during the week, you're going to struggle with bringing others into that intimacy with God on the weekend.
Engaging people through Spirit-filled, Spirit-led worship leading is more than an art. It's a lifestyle. A good question to ask yourself, whether or not your are the worship leader or a worship team member is this: Am I leading people to the feet of Jesus through my life-style on a day to day basis? People who I have met that are some of the most anointed worshippers, worship team members and worship leaders have been those who it is refreshing to be around. Their hearts beat in unison with God's heart. They are people who have a direct line to God- not that we all don't have that access through Jesus...but with these people it is very evident. This is what we should all be striving for. I believe that Galations 5:16 refers to this as, "Walking in the Spirit," or in another version, "Living by the Spirit."
Sunday mornings, or whenever else we are involved in a congregational worship setting should simply be an overflow of this lifestyle. On a practical level, singing the songs that are on a sheet in front of you from your heart, and not just from your memory, will help you in your worship of God as a worship leader on a Sunday morning. If you, as a worship leader (by the way, all of us on the worship team are worship leaders) are connected with God as you are singing, playing, etc., I believe that the next step is that of a priest. The job of priests in the Old Testament was to take God's hand, and take the hand of the people, and join them together. Being connected to God ourselves is the first step. Understanding where the congregation is at, and knowing how best to connect them to God through leading worship can be a bit more challenging. This is where the Holy Spirit must be counted on for guidance. I believe that an acuteness to the Spirit of God in worship leading is something that can be nurtured. If your spirit is aware of what is going on in the spiritual realm, it often enables you to get a good pulse of where others are at around you. Sounds pretty "spooky spiritual," I know. But this is true. I think that asking God for this sense of things would be a profitable in this...both on Sunday mornings as well as at all times. Here are some other practical things that help with this (not logically minded...practical): Try not to be overly tied to the music in front of you (becoming more familiar with the songs and chord progressions...this will help you to look and see what is going on...although this at times can trip you up as different people worship in different ways. Don't count on this...just be free enough to be aware of your surroundings). Also, don't be so overly concerned with your voice or instrument that worship becomes more of a performance. If God wanted that He would of created clowns to put on an act instead of angels and people that worship in Spirit and in truth before His throne. A lousy, off-key voice or instrument can definitely be a hindrance in leading a congregation in worship...even a lousy sound mix can be. But again, if you are more into what is going on spiritually, rather than physically, I find that this stuff tends to fall into place. It does also take some practice. Singing and playing are gifts given by God to be developed.
You know those Sundays where it seems as though you, the rest of the worship team and the congregation were so close to the Father during the worship time that you just don't want to leave that want to hang on to that moment. That is what I'm talking about. These aren't formulas that I am giving you. Again, these are just things in my limited experience that I have been able to glean. Hope these things make sense. If not, sorry. I am also limited in my grasp of the English language in regards to spiritual things at times. I love you guys so much and it has been an honor these past years to be involved in the worship team ministry at Whipple Creek Church.
Catch up with you on Sunday.
Grace and peace,
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