Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Greetings dear friends.
I pray that this finds you well. How has your week been so far? Mine has been all about transitions. I quit my job doing hardwood floors this week. This transition has enabled me to focus in more on ministry and preparation for departing for the foreign mission field. For those of you who don't know, my family and I are making plans to move to Poland and serve as full-time missionaries. Doing this takes a lot of time as we are looking for friends, family members and churches who can support us financially on a monthly basis. Our family is also learning the Polish language, and it is a hard one to learn. It has been such a joy leading worship these past six months and I am looking forward to the next six months of serving in this capacity at Whipple. You all must know how many tears we will shed when it comes time to say, "goodbye" early next year. I am praying, and would like to ask you to join me in praying for the right person, or people, to step into leadership as the worship pastor at Whipple Creek Church. I believe that God has someone out there that is going to be able to take you as a team, as well as the entire congregation, to wonderful places in worship of our Father.
On the topic of transitions...we all go through them in life. What priority does worship take place in your life through all the transitions. Both the easy transitions and the difficult transitions. The story of Job always blows me away. He was the most upright man of God in all the land. He went through a very difficult transition, from extreme wealth and great health to total poverty and poor health. Yet it says in Job 1:20-21 that after this, Job "fell to the ground and worshiped. And he said, 'Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.'" Even Job's wife said to him in Job 2:9, "Curse God and die!" To which Job replied in Job 2:10, "Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?" And then it says in that same verse, "In all this Job did not sin with his lips."
WOW! What an example of worshipping God no matter what transitions or circumstances are going on around us. Job had a very healthy perspective that God is bigger than transitions in life and greater than even the most difficult circumstances. May we all learn this important life lesson from Job as we experience transitions in our lives. Convicting, isn't it? Thank God that He isn't finished with any of us and that we are a work in progress.
Thank you guys again and again for giving your talents to God and using them Sunday morning after Sunday morning. We are truly blessed at Whipple Creek Church with a phenomenal group of servants. Love you guys so very much. See you on Sunday.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Hello everyone!
I hope and pray that you are all having an awesome week. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. What an awesome time in our Papa's presence last week during the time of worship. Thank you all again and again for your time as you serve the Lord so faithfully. I am looking forward to our next series on Sunday mornings called "Road Trip." This is a subject that is so very close to my heart...The Great Commission, where Jesus tells us to go into all the world and make disciples of every people group, waiting for the Holy Spirit to fall upon us and empower us to do so at home, in our circles of influence, in our workplace, in our neighborhoods and to the ends of the earth. My prayer is that our times of worship would, as we bask in the Lord's presence, ignite our hearts on fire to share Christ, through words and actions, to the lost.
It seems like a silly thought to raise our hands to Jesus in the lifeboat and not reach out our hands to people drowning in the waters around us and pull them into the lifeboat. Yet sometimes, we can become so "me" focused. "What's in it for me?" "How can I have a good feeling as I worship?" Even many modern worship songs reflect this. If you don't think so, count how many times "I" is found in our more modern songs than in the hymns of yesterday. Oh for more of the theology found in the hymns in today's modern worship tunes. I know that as a worship team we know that it's not about "me," but about "Him" and about "others." Even the two greatest commandments that Jesus gave us are to "love God and love others." Satan fell from heaven due to pride...taking the focus from God and others and placing it on self, and then leaving a wake of destruction behind. The unholy trinity (me, myself and I) has become today's idol of choice in this screwed up world. Let us crucify the "I," dying to "self" and live wholeheartedly for "He" while serving "them" with reckless abandon.
Love you all very much. Hope I didn't beat anyone up too badly with the whole INAM thing (It's Not About Me). Let me know how the schedule works for you all. I know many have vacation time during the summer and such. Can't wait for Sunday. See you there.
Grace and peace,